Developing Collective Efficacy Through Inquiry

Collective efficacy is the belief that a group of teachers can have a strong impact on student learning. According to Hattie’s meta-analysis, collective efficacy has an effect size of 1.57 which is nearly 4 times the .4 average effect size for one year. In this post, I would like to describe one way in which effective Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) can feel more efficacy as a group: the Collective Teacher Inquiry.

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Effective Use of Learning Targets

In August, 2020, in “Know Your Why, Your Purpose,” I described how important it is to know your why as an educator. This fall my staff revisited this concept and every teacher wrote their own why, based on our personal goals and our school’s mission. My why is:

Be a mirror to reflect back to our students their beauty and brilliance so they feel: belonging, safe, heard, seen valued, LOVED. 

Some of this wording in my Why comes from Erin Jones in The Humanizing Power of Stories. In this post, I want to describe the importance of helping students know the why of a lesson, and their why as learners.

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