Resilience and Humor

This week I found myself returning to my breath numerous times throughout each day, to reset myself and strengthen my resilience. It was a week full of many opportunities and learnings, and a very full week which often left me feeling rushed and stressed. It was a week that reminded me of the importance of resilience, especially now.

“Emotional resilience is the ability to bounce back after a setback
and to thrive, not just survive, in the midst of challenges.”
-Elena Aguilar


As we prepare for the week ahead, my colleagues and I are intentionally trying to support resilience. There are hundreds of strategies for building resilience. The Onward Workbook and website are rich sources. Yesterday, we opened The Onward Workbook and the strategy of using humor immediately resonated with us. In this post, I will write about humor, drawing on the work of Peter Jonas.

Humor helps you be here now.
It yanks you out of the drama of an experience,
away from ruminating over the past or worrying about the future,
and plunks you in the present
– Elena Aguilar

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