Co-conspirators: Three Recommendations

In How to be an Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi writes that an anti-racist is “one who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing an antiracist idea.” Percy Brown and Rainey Briggs, in their Critical Consciousness training, define co-conspirators as “people who, no matter how hot it gets, stay and fight for you. They know that sacrifice is required and are willing to lose a friend” by standing up and acting. Now more than ever, I’m trying hard to listen to the voices of people of color who are often silenced and have so much to offer. I preface this post by acknowledging that I am a white, cisgender heterosexual woman trying to synthesize my own thoughts. In many of my recent learnings, recommendations from my valued colleagues and network, typically recommend three key ideas in antiracist work.

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