Constructive Feedback

In my last post, I began a summary of Tell Me So I Can Hear You, by Drago-Severson and Blum-DeStefano. In this post, I want to continue the summary by focusing on constructive feedback and bridging feedback into action. Action is where the impact of change is felt, and where we can develop more equitable schools and teaching practices.

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Effective Feedback

Three months ago I started learning to play the piano. I’m using an app that listens to what I play and gives me feedback. It slows down if I need a slower pace, and has me repeat sections that are difficult. I also get emails indicating if I haven’t practiced in awhile and congratulating me when I’ve completed a practicing streak. Reflecting on this positive experience and how quickly I’m learning to play and reflecting on the conversations in which I have received valuable feedback, I decided to reread and synthesize a few books on giving feedback to educators. Today I will summarize one of the books: Tell Me So I Can Hear You, by Drago-Severson and Blum-DeStefano.

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