Shifting the Balance: Disciplinary Literacy Connections

I’m finally making time to read Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom, thanks to a colleague who is reading it with me and discussing direct application of the reading to her classroom. As I’m reading, I’m making connections to Disciplinary Literacy. In this post I want to explore some of my initial connections and takeaways. As always, I look forward to feedback and ideas from my readers, as I know many of you are reading, or have already read the book!

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What’s Most Important?

As I review the posts from the past year, I see two major themes: language/voice and equity/justice. I am grateful for having had the time to reflect, synthesize, and write throughout the year; and I appreciate all my readers out there! Today I want to focus on the theme of language/voice as I believe that when we give space for students to share their experiences, their ideas, and their genius, we are working towards equity and justice.

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Disciplinary Literacy and Equity

Over November break, I started reading Disciplinary Literacy in Action: How to Create and Sustain a School-Wide Culture of Deep Reading, Writing, and Thinking, by ReLeah Cossett Lent and Marsha McCracken Voigt. I couldn’t put the book down! In this post I want to begin to synthesize the book by discussing one of the themes I found across the chapters, Equity. Continue reading “Disciplinary Literacy and Equity”