Self-Regulation Practices for Teachers and Students

My fourteenth article with Edutopia was published today:


Self-Regulation Practices for Teachers and Students

Using these strategies regularly can help elementary school teachers ensure that their rooms are inviting and productive.

July 16, 2024


DOK = Depth of Knowledge

As students engage in learning tasks it is important that teachers provide both surface and deep learning. We begin with opportunities to build background and find out what students already know. Then students collaborate and work independently on tasks that require increasing complexity. One way to think of this complexity is with Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK). In this post, I will focus on DOK especially in primary reading.

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Mindfulness for Teachers

I’m reading Patricia Jennings’ book Mindfulness for Teachers: Simple Skills for Peace and Productivity in the Classroom. The content is important every day of the school year, but as we approach the last nine days at my school I find it even more meaningful. The only thing I can truly control is myself, and if I can show up for my students and colleagues in a way that shows I am 100% present, I truly believe this can be the best end of the year yet!

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Maximizing the Impact of Small Group Instruction

Small group instruction has the potential to accelerate learning for students if used with intention and flexibility. In this post, I will summarize small group considerations that were discussed in Heggerty’s Exploring the Power of Small Group Literacy Instruction webinar. The focus of the webinar is on foundational literacy instruction. Heggerty calls these “truths” and aims to dispel “myths” around small group instruction. I call them considerations because teaching is a science and teachers make decisions based on the students in front of them and their understanding of best practices in literacy.

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Talk Time

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about discourse, oral language, and the amount of talk kids engage in throughout their days at school. Two resources that I share in this post support the importance of providing meaningful, plentiful opportunities for kids to talk for various purposes.

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The Equity Transformation Cycle: Listening to Students to Empower Them and Improve Teaching Practices

Understanding the student experience is key to designing culturally relevant instruction. Our students know best what works for them. By seeking student feedback, we empower them and build stronger relationships. In this post, I want to describe how the Equity Transformation Cycle described in Street Data has helped me think more deeply about my students. It has helped me feel more creativity and curiosity about teaching. 

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